Sunday, January 17, 2010

Keira Banks died 11/18/07

Do anyone know about who killed this young girl, who was 25 at the time, she was shot in her home in Winter Parks, Florida. Her mother has been trying to get some air time, but because it is not a high profile case, the airtime was limited. If you want to assist her with finding who murdered her daughter and want more information about what occurred, then lets start blogging. Who says we need media attention to get this story out across the United States, we can find out who killed this young lady and left her child motherless. If you are serious then let us run with it, if not then at least keep this family in your prayers that they will find some closure soon.


  1. We are stll looking for the killers who killed Keira Banks. Keira Banks died on November 18, 2007, three years ago she was shot in her own home. Keira was minding her own business and three cowards came to her home and shot her. We are still trying to get this story some media attention. Help this mother find her daughter's killers.

  2. I lived in that neighborhood and did some digging around. A local weed dealer (very cheap stuff) said that Keira was killed because her boyfriend at the time was dealing crack in an area designated to someone else, so other drug dealers or a gang or whatever, I'm not sure, came looking for her boyfriend but since he wasn't there they killed Keira in retaliation. I am sorry for any pain that me posting this reply may cause anyone, and I cannot vouch at all for the validity or accuracy of a story that was told to me by a drug dealer. I really hope this case is solved some day.

  3. It will be seven years and my daughter's killers are still free, doing as they please living there lives as if nothing happened. My daughter life was cut short because of someone else mistake. That is there definition of being a man, it leaves a foul distaste in my mouth every time I think about it, My grand daughter is without a mother what human being would commit such an act. Oh that's right there inhumane.

  4. I am not going away, and my silence should scare you. Not knowing what my next move is should make you worry. Cowards hide, real men claim it. You were a coward when you pulled the trigger, you were a coward when you got in the car and ran. Me, I am true because I will hunt you until I die.

  5. It has been 13 years and still have not found out who has killed my daughter. If anyone knows anything regarding my daughter's murder please contact me. You may remain anonymous I know that someone knows something. You may reach me at You will be protected and the I will be discreet.
    All I am asking is for some peace and closure.
